Indian beauty queens

Sushmita Sen, Aishwarya Rai, Priyanka Chopra...there was a time when Indian beauties made it to the top. Though Reita Faria won the Miss World title in 1966, it was Sushmita Sen and Aishwarya Rai who started the trend when they bagged the Miss Universe and Miss World titles respectively in the year 1994. Among all these divas, who do you think is the most beautiful? Choose your beauty amongst the beauties.

Aishwarya Rai, Sushmita Sen or Priyanka Chopra? Who according to you, is the most beautiful woman?

Sushmita Sen - Miss Universe 1994

Aishwarya Rai - Miss World 1994

Lara Dutta - Miss Universe 2000

Priyanka Chopra - Miss Universe 2000

Diya Mirza (right) - Miss Asia Pacific 2000. That year, India bagged all the top three crowns with Lara winning the Miss Universe title and Priyanka the Miss World crown.

Yukta Mookhey - Miss World 1999

Diana Hayden - Miss World 1997

Reita Faria - Miss World 1966

Zeenat Aman - Miss Asia Pacific 1970

Nicole Faria - Miss Earth 2010

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